Question: As QA, please describe a typical Software Development Life Cycle that you feel should ideally be used for a web application development. Please don’t forget to let us know which states you can be involved with. You can answer in point form and/or by drawing a flow chart. Web application is not different from other software project we can use Waterfall Model that is a very well-known and basic Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The waterfall model starts with requirements gathering from the users, project planning, architecture designing, implementing, testing and ends with web application deployment. Not only testing state that QA should be involved with, but also every state. QA should know what requirements are, the project plan and the system architecture. During implementation state, QA should control all developer to use best practice to get the best product. Testing state is thought to be the major state for QA, it might be true. QA must test the sys...